9th Annual Cruise to Lake Geneva - Sunday, August 1st , 2021 !
Ginos East is eager to have us back !
It's that time again. The 2021 Lake Geneva Cruise will be on
Sunday, August 1st, 2021
Xello has agreed to assist in planning the Route and to lead the Cruise and bringing some of the Wisconsin boys and girls along with him I am sure.
This is always a fun time and well attended.
We had an amazing 53 Camaros for the 2015 cruise and over 30 in 2016 Cruise and 35 cars in 2019.
Can we beat that? Is it possible?
If you need to save a vacation day, this is one to save for.
The Starting Line: The starting line this year will be at Mars Cheese Castle at 2800 W. Frontage Rd., Kenosha, WI. We are planning on starting the cruise just at 10;30 SHARP !, so you'll want to get there early so you can stock up on your cheese and be all set and ready to cruise.
The Cruise: We will cruise to Lake Geneva via country highways and tree lined Rustic Roads while admiring the Wisconsin scenery. Glacial hills and winding roads and a whole bunch of fun are included on the route. We will be travelling at a safe but brisk pace. We'll make two quick stops along the way; the first at Bushnell Park in Burlington for some photo-ops and the second in Lyons for a fuel stop. We should arrive in Lake Geneva approx ??.
The Pit Stop: Parking will be at the restaurant or we will be parking in the Eastview Elementary School parking lot which is usually completely empty and down the street a bit. I will follow up on this shortly. We are having lunch at the Gino's East restaurant which is right on the lake and close to downtown shopping. We will have a raffle for various door prizes during lunchtime. After lunch the rest of the afternoon will be yours to shop, take a boat tour or just explore beautiful Lake Geneva.
Lunch Details:
Gino's East of Lake Geneva. $15 per person, $7.50 for kids 12 and under for all DUES PAYING MEMBERS
includes a pizza buffet, salads and non-alcoholic beverages, taxes included.
The actual cost is More this time but the Club or Lawdog will subsidize DUES PAYING MEMBERS to keep the number at $15 per person.
Non-DUES PAYING MEMBERS will have to pay $19 for adults and $10.00 for kids 12 and under, So pay your dues and then sign up for the trip!! We have alot of things planed this year where you will be glad you paid your dues.
I need you to, please pay in advance using the PayPal links that C5G/CNG has set up for us.
That will really help with organization because we have to sign a contract with the restaurant and I need to know what our monetary exposure is EARLY !
After all, I aint made of money man !
You may still pay when you arrive at Mars Cheese factory if absolutely necessary but I want to make sure we have seating for everyone so we need to know EARLY unless you like to stand when you eat ! LOL
Thank you for your understanding.
Please prepay for lunch using these links:
Lake Geneva Adult Ticket KID Ticket - https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/websc...=ZLQGSWQBZ7AN4
Lake Geneva Adult Ticket - https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/websc...=W9NRDCVBF6RLJ
Lake Geneva NON MEMBER Ticket - https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/websc...=MLXHN669MYRC2
You will select the number of people attending, and also click the link to enter your forum name in the notes.
Very important that it would be best if you buy your lunch tickets when you sign up so we have sufficient funds for the reservation at Gino's East for lunch.
This will help out tremendously if you buy your lunch ticket NOW so we can advise the restaurant accordingly.
We want to avoid having to collect any money on the day of the event!!!
Seating and subsidies may be limited so sign up to reserve your spot and remember to pay your dues first, THANKS !
DAILY DRIVERS IF NECESSARY at the back of the line.
Please let me know if you will be participating in the cruise and how many will be included for lunch (please note if any are children).
Cruise Participants (lunch, adults/kids):
1) Xello (1) not eating
2) Lawdog (1) (paid) and eating
3) SSMMXI (2) paid and eating
5) TigBaby (1) paid and eating
6) OneLE17 ( no lunch just cruise)
7) Evil SS (3) Paid and eating
8) Morici (2) Possible and eating
9) Gml1998 (2) and eating
10) Cordero (1) and eating
Ginos East is eager to have us back !
It's that time again. The 2021 Lake Geneva Cruise will be on
Sunday, August 1st, 2021
Xello has agreed to assist in planning the Route and to lead the Cruise and bringing some of the Wisconsin boys and girls along with him I am sure.
This is always a fun time and well attended.
We had an amazing 53 Camaros for the 2015 cruise and over 30 in 2016 Cruise and 35 cars in 2019.
Can we beat that? Is it possible?
If you need to save a vacation day, this is one to save for.
The Starting Line: The starting line this year will be at Mars Cheese Castle at 2800 W. Frontage Rd., Kenosha, WI. We are planning on starting the cruise just at 10;30 SHARP !, so you'll want to get there early so you can stock up on your cheese and be all set and ready to cruise.
The Cruise: We will cruise to Lake Geneva via country highways and tree lined Rustic Roads while admiring the Wisconsin scenery. Glacial hills and winding roads and a whole bunch of fun are included on the route. We will be travelling at a safe but brisk pace. We'll make two quick stops along the way; the first at Bushnell Park in Burlington for some photo-ops and the second in Lyons for a fuel stop. We should arrive in Lake Geneva approx ??.
The Pit Stop: Parking will be at the restaurant or we will be parking in the Eastview Elementary School parking lot which is usually completely empty and down the street a bit. I will follow up on this shortly. We are having lunch at the Gino's East restaurant which is right on the lake and close to downtown shopping. We will have a raffle for various door prizes during lunchtime. After lunch the rest of the afternoon will be yours to shop, take a boat tour or just explore beautiful Lake Geneva.
Lunch Details:
Gino's East of Lake Geneva. $15 per person, $7.50 for kids 12 and under for all DUES PAYING MEMBERS
includes a pizza buffet, salads and non-alcoholic beverages, taxes included.
The actual cost is More this time but the Club or Lawdog will subsidize DUES PAYING MEMBERS to keep the number at $15 per person.
Non-DUES PAYING MEMBERS will have to pay $19 for adults and $10.00 for kids 12 and under, So pay your dues and then sign up for the trip!! We have alot of things planed this year where you will be glad you paid your dues.
I need you to, please pay in advance using the PayPal links that C5G/CNG has set up for us.
That will really help with organization because we have to sign a contract with the restaurant and I need to know what our monetary exposure is EARLY !
After all, I aint made of money man !
You may still pay when you arrive at Mars Cheese factory if absolutely necessary but I want to make sure we have seating for everyone so we need to know EARLY unless you like to stand when you eat ! LOL
Thank you for your understanding.
Please prepay for lunch using these links:
Lake Geneva Adult Ticket KID Ticket - https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/websc...=ZLQGSWQBZ7AN4
Lake Geneva Adult Ticket - https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/websc...=W9NRDCVBF6RLJ
Lake Geneva NON MEMBER Ticket - https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/websc...=MLXHN669MYRC2
You will select the number of people attending, and also click the link to enter your forum name in the notes.
Very important that it would be best if you buy your lunch tickets when you sign up so we have sufficient funds for the reservation at Gino's East for lunch.
This will help out tremendously if you buy your lunch ticket NOW so we can advise the restaurant accordingly.
We want to avoid having to collect any money on the day of the event!!!
Seating and subsidies may be limited so sign up to reserve your spot and remember to pay your dues first, THANKS !
DAILY DRIVERS IF NECESSARY at the back of the line.
Please let me know if you will be participating in the cruise and how many will be included for lunch (please note if any are children).
Cruise Participants (lunch, adults/kids):
1) Xello (1) not eating
2) Lawdog (1) (paid) and eating
3) SSMMXI (2) paid and eating
5) TigBaby (1) paid and eating
6) OneLE17 ( no lunch just cruise)
7) Evil SS (3) Paid and eating
8) Morici (2) Possible and eating
9) Gml1998 (2) and eating
10) Cordero (1) and eating