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  • #61
    I hate to bring this up, but, they are saying scattered thunderstorms all weekend. Any back up date if necessary? Weather permitting, we'll be there.


    • #62
      It is a RAIN or SHINE event... No back up date because the following weekend is ISU Graduations, I got things to do, and the following I am out to Disney.... Which was why we decided on it being a rain or shine event....

      edit: also, I don't worry about the weather until thurs... I realize not everyone will make it if it rains, but a good portions mentioned they still would with it being a rain or shine event...
      Last edited by Dave_O; 04-26-2010, 08:10 PM.
      CLICK THE LINK!-----> 2nd Annual Central IL Camaro Meet AND Drag Day---May 21st <-----CLICK THE LINK!


      • #63
        Mine doesn't melt in the rain, put that special wax on it. I'll be there rain or shine. Dave worked to hard and long to miss this.


        • #64
          Thanks priz! I appreciate the kind words and the fact you will still be there!

          I figured some won't come if it rains, but enough have asked if its Rain or Shine, that I think most will still show...
          CLICK THE LINK!-----> 2nd Annual Central IL Camaro Meet AND Drag Day---May 21st <-----CLICK THE LINK!


          • #65
            My wife's a redbird, so that's helping your cause too. I think she's set on stopping by campus at sometime Saturday no matter what. She doesn't get down there all that often so rain is not going to be an excuse for us.


            • #66
              Hahaha, I think I remember you mentioning that before! Doesn't she also LOVE AVANTI'S???
              CLICK THE LINK!-----> 2nd Annual Central IL Camaro Meet AND Drag Day---May 21st <-----CLICK THE LINK!


              • #67
                Rain or shine I will be there!
                2018 ZL1 A10 Convertible, Kooks Longtube Headers (to be installed 8Jan) Full Kooks exhaust from Kooks R&D in Mooresville, NC, ZL1 painted GFX, My ShowStopper Custom Engine Cover Kit and painted CAI. For Sale! Color Shift Lights coming soon[/SIZE][/B]


                • #68
                  I KNOW you will Steve!!! You weren't even a question when it came to that!
                  CLICK THE LINK!-----> 2nd Annual Central IL Camaro Meet AND Drag Day---May 21st <-----CLICK THE LINK!


                  • #69
                    Virgil Coffman drives all year round... if it is good enough for him it is good enough for me. I will be there rain or shine.


                    • #70
                      YUP! I can't WAIT to meet Virgil!
                      CLICK THE LINK!-----> 2nd Annual Central IL Camaro Meet AND Drag Day---May 21st <-----CLICK THE LINK!


                      • #71
                        I can't wait to get a picture with him and Grant......
                        2018 ZL1 A10 Convertible, Kooks Longtube Headers (to be installed 8Jan) Full Kooks exhaust from Kooks R&D in Mooresville, NC, ZL1 painted GFX, My ShowStopper Custom Engine Cover Kit and painted CAI. For Sale! Color Shift Lights coming soon[/SIZE][/B]


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Dave_O View Post
                          Hahaha, I think I remember you mentioning that before! Doesn't she also LOVE AVANTI'S???
                          Yes, I probably owe her dinner for driving down. Especially since she'll have to take a separate car. We have 3 kids now, don't all fit in the Camaro anymore.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by priz23 View Post
                            Yes, I probably owe her dinner for driving down. Especially since she'll have to take a separate car. We have 3 kids now, don't all fit in the Camaro anymore.
                            Ohhhhh, yea... DEFINITELY owe her dinner! It'll be worth it though! :bananen_smilies051:
                            CLICK THE LINK!-----> 2nd Annual Central IL Camaro Meet AND Drag Day---May 21st <-----CLICK THE LINK!


                            • #74
                              Ok here is the weather for Clinton on Sat only a small chance of scattered T-Storms.

                              Check here.. Daily Weather Forecast for Clinton, IL -
                              2018 ZL1 A10 Convertible, Kooks Longtube Headers (to be installed 8Jan) Full Kooks exhaust from Kooks R&D in Mooresville, NC, ZL1 painted GFX, My ShowStopper Custom Engine Cover Kit and painted CAI. For Sale! Color Shift Lights coming soon[/SIZE][/B]


                              • #75
                                We can't wait to meet Virgil. Thanks for setting this up Dave. I'm not sure how you did it with school. Our daughter is a junior in college and there is no way I would expect her to put something like this together because she is so busy with school.
                                Last edited by KATHY63; 04-28-2010, 08:26 AM.

