Sunrise Chevrolet Car Show, July 13, 2019
July 13, Saturday, Sunrise Chevrolet 13th Annual Car Show/USO BBQ
Sunrise Chevrolet
414 E. North AVe
Glendale Heights, IL
1.5 miles West of 355 on North Ave.
This is an Official CNG Event to Support a CNG Sponsor
Sunrise Chevrolet has been having this car show for many years. AND Supporting the Troops with this USO BBQ
In the past it is produced by our friends at Double K Productions
Having attended this show myself in the past and having the privilege of parking in the center of their showroom, I can tell you they appreciate the Camaro enthusiasts and it is nicely done!
So lets get out there and support our new sponsor in big numbers.
Sunrise always reserves a special area reserved for C5G/CNG.
Registration is 9-12
Awards at 3:00
In the past this has been a NO FEE show compliments of Sunrise, (I will check if that is the same this year)
members will get preferred parking as always.
Please help me on this and support our sponsor! I will be there , I missed last year and was really bummed about it .
I am counting on my C5G family !
July 13, Saturday, Sunrise Chevrolet 13th Annual Car Show/USO BBQ
Sunrise Chevrolet
414 E. North AVe
Glendale Heights, IL
1.5 miles West of 355 on North Ave.
This is an Official CNG Event to Support a CNG Sponsor
Sunrise Chevrolet has been having this car show for many years. AND Supporting the Troops with this USO BBQ
In the past it is produced by our friends at Double K Productions
Having attended this show myself in the past and having the privilege of parking in the center of their showroom, I can tell you they appreciate the Camaro enthusiasts and it is nicely done!
So lets get out there and support our new sponsor in big numbers.
Sunrise always reserves a special area reserved for C5G/CNG.
Registration is 9-12
Awards at 3:00
In the past this has been a NO FEE show compliments of Sunrise, (I will check if that is the same this year)
members will get preferred parking as always.
Please help me on this and support our sponsor! I will be there , I missed last year and was really bummed about it .
I am counting on my C5G family !