Auto Show SUNDAY, LAST DAY, Get of the couch and come with us to look at new shiny cars !!
Current Weather Forecast for Sunday is SUNNY and 46 degrees !!
YES you heard correctly, SUNNY and 46 degrees, tha'ts almost 50, for you mathematically challenged !
I mean technically I could just round that up to 50. Yep, think I will do just that, nobody around here is going to stop me.
Forecast for Sunday is SUNNY and 50 Degrees !
Current Weather Forecast for Sunday is SUNNY and 46 degrees !!
YES you heard correctly, SUNNY and 46 degrees, tha'ts almost 50, for you mathematically challenged !
I mean technically I could just round that up to 50. Yep, think I will do just that, nobody around here is going to stop me.
Forecast for Sunday is SUNNY and 50 Degrees !