Waiting on a text back from him on the pricing for the asked about vehicles and the ceramic for the camaros.... i saw the ceramic in person and i just have to get my windshield done... it will do wonders to protect the interior of the vehicle and help to stop aging and fading and is clear (and he has grades of tint in it as well) and will be a God send to hel keep the interior cooler in the summer and my leather seats wont get as hot! hot day + bare legs + leather seats = OUCH!!!!!!
Racing is my life, everything else is just minor details.
"Many things in life will catch your eye, these are mods...... purchase at will."
THANKS! KidKilowatt!
Hello, my name is Bubbles and i am a mod-addict, and i drive a cashmaro.
You havent lived until you have been to THE FIELD OF SHAPES!
ok ceramic is $70 more for camaros and 100.00 extra for 4 door vehicles.... gonna have an answer on the rest of the asked about vehicles in a moment.....
I will get in on this group buy for 20% all around ceramic tint. I can pretty much do any Saturday after 1. My cousin who also has a 5th gen would probably like to get on this too.