Yeah I gave my Sport shifting a workout on that cruise !! It was fun to watch the kid get pinned back in the seat while trying to play his Ipad games., LOL
Yeah, i was wondering what happened with that. We were hoping you didn't have to pay for that. I am still confused as to how you were the last one to even get served (assuming that you actually did get your food) and you had the most simple order.
I think that made the record yesterday By the time I got it I wasn't even hungry anymore
@ 10223
Are you a serviceman?
I am sorry I didn't meet you.
PM me and I will give you my JacFab bent license plate bracket.
We need to clean that front end up
Agreed!! Good time!! Video, was cool but, water didn't really run off the lens well. (Would have been perfect with no rain.) I'll post up once I trim the size down. I shot at 720p and the file was like 2GB. I need to edit the portion in Lake Geneva out.
Can't wait to see the video even if it is a bit wet. Wonder if a bit of RainX would have helped?
Can't wait to see the video even if it is a bit wet. Wonder if a bit of RainX would have helped?
I was thinking of that last night, after I looked at the video. Not sure that the drizzle was hard enough to get the water running off the front though.
I'm currently trying to figure out how I'm going to split, rather than downing the quality. Youtube only allows 10 minutes worth, unless I host it on my own web and then link it...I'm pretty sure my web package is unlimited bandwidth...I would hate to break the file up.
UPDATE: @ 9:06AM 9/19
I'm such a moron, my photos came out like crap at Bushnell because I didn't put the hood on the lens, so it was wet in areas, even thought it looked fine in the viewfinder. Oh well, you live and learn.
Video finished. Follow link: Access to Video. When prompted - User: c5g Password: c5gcamaro - It will then give you directory list of files. Click on the video to begin downloading. I'm too lazy to go through embedding and making it look all pretty, plus this way you don't have to wait for the video to buffer as well. Beware the video is just under 800mb.
Last edited by Mantis RS; 09-19-2011, 09:09 PM.
Reason: Added video link
I was thinking of that last night, after I looked at the video. Not sure that the drizzle was hard enough to get the water running off the front though.
I'm currently trying to figure out how I'm going to split, rather than downing the quality. Youtube only allows 10 minutes worth, unless I host it on my own web and then link it...I'm pretty sure my web package is unlimited bandwidth...I would hate to break the file up.
I'm such a moron, my photos came out like crap at Bushnell because I did put the hood on the lens, so it was wet in areas, even thought it looked fine in the viewfinder. Oh well, you live and learn.