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  • #31
    Just to keep everyone up to speed on what is going on with this outing. I heard back from the track today and there is a car show on the 20th or 21stof July. They are still working through a few of the details on exactly what it will entail. They have already told the team about our Camaro Club and they DEFINITELY want us to save that weekend! They are trying to get some details finalized and will let me know as soon as they are made available. Thanks for being patient about this outing, I'll let you know whenever I hear anything!


    • #32
      Originally posted by KATHY63 View Post
      Just to keep everyone up to speed on what is going on with this outing. I heard back from the track today and there is a car show on the 20th or 21stof July. They are still working through a few of the details on exactly what it will entail. They have already told the team about our Camaro Club and they DEFINITELY want us to save that weekend! They are trying to get some details finalized and will let me know as soon as they are made available. Thanks for being patient about this outing, I'll let you know whenever I hear anything!
      Are we talking about the Nationwide event on July 21?


      • #33
        Yes , Nationwide that's the race they are using the camaro in I believe. If you go on the track website they have things going on all weekend.


        • #34
          If you can, push for the 21st, so we don't overlap on the same day.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Toasty View Post
            If you can, push for the 21st, so we don't overlap on the same day.
            With the race being on Sunday the 21st, I would think they would like us there on race day. I hope that's the case.
            2010 2SS/RS #55 NicKey Stage 2S Super-Camaro, custom paint by Pete (Mr. Showstopper)
            Build thread:


            • #36
              IM ALL IN FOR THAT !!!! and willing to help out with what ever we need to do , this would be frikkin awesome
              kwick ssrs 2010sigpic


              • #37
                Originally posted by kwick ssrs 2010 View Post
                IM ALL IN FOR THAT !!!! and willing to help out with what ever we need to do , this would be frikkin awesome
                Yes it would!! I will keep everyone updated when I get any info!


                • #38
                  Well, I heard from the track today, the car show is definately on.....wait for it

                  SUNDAY JULY 21!!


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by KATHY63 View Post
                    Well, I heard from the track today, the car show is definately on.....wait for it

                    SUNDAY JULY 21!!
                    Sweet! It's going to be a busy weekend!!!


                    • #40
                      It will be in Champions park before the Nationwide Race, don't have any other details yet but we figure this is the most important detail for now.


                      • #41
                        im in im in im in im in im in did i say im in bah hahaha this is great
                        kwick ssrs 2010sigpic


                        • #42
                          Great, thanks Kathy. Looking forward to the event, glad that it doesn't interfere with the Volo Show. Can't wait for more details.
                          2010 2SS/RS #55 NicKey Stage 2S Super-Camaro, custom paint by Pete (Mr. Showstopper)
                          Build thread:


                          • #43
                            Ok twist my arm, I'm In !
                            2016 2SS NFG Auto Adrenalin Red NPP MRC
                            2011 LLT Black RS [x]Showstopper 45th Anniversary Camaro RS Stripes, [x] MPD1 Spoiler Much More..


                            • #44
                              Great news!


                              • #45
                                Nice work Kathy!!!!! Sending you a PM.
                                2012 VR 1LT RS
                                Custom 45th Anniversary stripes
                                Flow Master Axle Back
                                Some Lighting Mods

