My Dad has lived me the last two years fighting cancer. I've talked to many of you about my Dad over this time and our struggles. Well, my Dad passed away this evening. He went in for a biopsy this morning because they found a mass on his kidney last week and a couple of spots on his lungs. They were pretty sure it was kidney cancer but had to do a biopsy before they could start treatment. He had complications after the procedure and had severe internal bleeding.
The worst part was I didn't get to see him before he passed. I've been in Dallas since Tuesday and my brother took him in for his biopsy. It was supposed to be no big deal, an easy 15 minute procedure. By the time I found out that the complications were severe, it was too late to get home. I'm setting in the airport right now waiting for the first flight out of here at 6am. Anyhow, I know he's in a better place with no more pain and back with my Mom who passed in 1999.
Sorry this is long, but I have a lot of time to pass tonight. Just thought I would let y'all know about his passing and say thank you to everyone that has listened to me talk about my Dad.
Cherish your time with your family.
The worst part was I didn't get to see him before he passed. I've been in Dallas since Tuesday and my brother took him in for his biopsy. It was supposed to be no big deal, an easy 15 minute procedure. By the time I found out that the complications were severe, it was too late to get home. I'm setting in the airport right now waiting for the first flight out of here at 6am. Anyhow, I know he's in a better place with no more pain and back with my Mom who passed in 1999.
Sorry this is long, but I have a lot of time to pass tonight. Just thought I would let y'all know about his passing and say thank you to everyone that has listened to me talk about my Dad.
Cherish your time with your family.