Big Letdown.....eeerrrrrrr I mean Z couldn't make that play if he practiced all off season and was playing in a T-ball game. There is 1 contest that Buerhle can't compete with Zambrano in though.
He might be good enough to be a 5th starter on the Sox but even that's iffy. Next person to say "go scrubs" will be banned.
naww, I am just Kidding it was a pretty nice play, I do like Buehrle but...
I still like my Cubbies better
Go cubs.
P.S. Dan I didn't say "go scrubs" so I beleive I am safe as far as banning goes okey: :canabis:
Yea, I understand that. I know everyone has 'their team' and FORTUNATELY, the SOX are mine! But with how awesome a play and how great a player Buehrle is, I figured everyone would enjoy seeing it if they had missed it.