I got hit today too -- not anywhere near as bad, in fact 0 damage -- other than some BS comments (details below)
I was trying to get some stuff for Kim and broke my no parallel parking rule today... Just as I got out of the car and was at the pay box, the dude in front of me in an SUV backed in to me while trying to get out of his spot... He got out of his car after I was cussing up a storm having just watched in shock as my car rolled back a bit.. He tried to deny even contacting my car until I very bluntly shot that down by telling him I had seen the car move.
Anyways.. We're looking at the nose of my car and making sure there's nothing up with it. He apologized for backing up and we were both relieved to see that there wasn't any noticeable damage.. However, I got infuriated by the chick in his passenger seated yelling to me "you shouldn't have a nice car in the city"..
Are you f*cking serious? I get backed in to and it's my fault because I have a nice car? Wow... Thankfully, he whipped around and told her to shut up.. I couldn't take it anymore at that point and just shook my head and told him it was fine and he could go....
First, I hope everyone is okay. Now that's clear, that owner is banned from getting a new camaro. Those wheels are terrible. What are they, 26"s? Get a semi truck for them.