I took my Instrument Panel Circuit Board out and tested my LED's. The CEL LED is bad and needs to be replaced. I need to get this done ASAP so I can pass emissions already. (This car is driving me crazy!!!)
Is it difficult to do this? I realize it takes about 2 minutes and the LED costs less than $1, but I am very nervous about doing this. I guess I should just go ahead and do it if I can't think of someone who can. Is there a master solderer person near Lansing lol?
How the heck do you go about finding such a person?
Is it difficult to do this? I realize it takes about 2 minutes and the LED costs less than $1, but I am very nervous about doing this. I guess I should just go ahead and do it if I can't think of someone who can. Is there a master solderer person near Lansing lol?